Thursday, January 25, 2007

My Very First Client

My very first client was 6 years olds…very wise and patient. Her Grandmother has Sisterlocks and she wanted her hair like her Grandma. Although I couldn't use her for my certificatin, this was a Sisterlocks Session done with my Certified Sisterlocks Consultant. The session was completed in 10 hours. We had plenty of Walt Disney Fairy Tales videos. After each movie, we gave her a break with snacks, fruit and pizza. This truly was in experience and a beginning for me.

She likes her hair in the little knots.
Remembering she's 6 years old, all 6 years old aren't too patient so you have to find distractions for them. During her retightenings, we watch videos and have snacks and fruit breaks. Her retightening are usually 2-4 hours...with the breaks it usually takes up to 5 hours.

1 comment:

HAIR I AM said...

Cute. I tried getting my 11 year old into sisterlocks but she isn't interested at this point. I've had mine for a week now. When I came home with them, she played in my hair and said they looked like braids. I felt complimented. She is the type that will let you know in a minute if she didn't like them. She hadn't said anything negative. I figured that was a good sign. I am convinced that she will cross over in the future when she sees my future progress.